BW Gas Alert Micro 5 - Multi Gas Detector - Standard - IR

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BW Gas Alert Micro 5 - Multiple configurations

BW multi gas detector including oxygen detection and other toxic gases. Portable and hand held device, water resistant and rechargeable lithium battery pack.

Multi sensor gas monitor Rechargeable Lithium battery pack/ Cradle charger / Standard model / Datalogging

The BW Gas Alert Micro 5 gas detector is an extremely flexible gas monitor, fully configurable as a diffusion or pumped instrument and a very wide variety of sensors.

Providing protection from up to five potential atmospheric hazards including oxygen, combustible and toxic gases, Gas Alert Micro 5 is unparalleled in its versatility, capability and overall value. BW's newest addition to its water-resistant line of portable gas detectors has transformed the market with its matchless array of features.

The Gas Alert Micro5 can be configured for the simultaneous detection of up to five atmospheric hazards including oxygen, percent LEL combustible gas and a wide selection of individual electrochemical toxic sensors. The following matrix includes the most commonly purchased configurations. The Configuration offers additional flexibility in determining part numbers and total unit costs for all available combinations.

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